How to Set-Up and Use Visual Aids

The visual aids are to help you learn words in their different forms. This will help you quickly learn the oh so many exceptions in Brazilian Portuguese. 


Assembling the visual aids are usually pretty simple. 

Step 1: Print out the documents

Step 2: Laminate the pages

Step 3: Cut out the objects/cards

Step 4 (optional): Apply a velcro dot on the back of the aid.

How to use

The visual will help you during your activities while using your sentence frames. Put the visual aids in the location where you will be completing the activities. This way, while you are trying to create a sentence, you can simply glance over at the visual aid to help you formulate your sentences. 


Let’s use the Play Kitchen Activity in Level 1 Unit 1 Section 3 as an example.

Let’s say we are working on apples/bananas and the colors red/green. Using the velcro dots, I would attach the apple + banana form cards and the red + green color pencil visuals to the wall next to our play kitchen setup. 

This way, while I trying to create sentences, I can quickly glance over at the visual aids to make sure I am properly modifying the adjectives. 

Of course, you can use these however you think would work best for your family.